B&W film developing - 120
This is how it works:
- Check that your film roll is labeled as Black and White somewhere. If it reads C-41, click here, if it reads Slide or Reversal, click here.
- Choose the service you want.
- Place the film rolls in an envelope and go to the post office with the code we will send you when you make a purchase. If you place an order outside of business hours or on a holiday, you will receive the label when we return, from Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Receive your photos by email via WeTransfer.
Do you need your files in TIFF or pushing/pulling your film?
Do you need your files in TIFF or pushing/pulling your film?
If you're after a TIFF format scan or need to push the development, you can choose that in add XTRAS. If it's just for one roll and you've got several to develop, order the one that needs it first, select the extra you need, add it to the cart, then bounce back to the product to choose the regular services you want. If all the rolls are getting the XTRA treatment, you can order it all in one go. Don't forget to specify in the notes: which roll is getting the XTRA, and in case of pushing, how many stops.
Do you want us to keep the negatives for you in the LAB?
Do you want us to keep the negatives for you in the LAB?
You have to choose the pick up at LAB option when choosing shipping methods. Remember that the maximum time to save negatives is one year.
Regular price
Unit price
Tax included.